Hygiene Kit Build Event Interest Form
We hope you're as excited as we are to get your group rocking and rolling with a hygiene kit building event! Our hygiene kit building events are flexibly and tons of fun. We can craft an event to fit your group size, timeframe, and budget that will enable your group to make a big impact on the local community while having a great time working together. Hygiene Kit Events can be as simple or complex as you'd like, and our helpful team will work with you to create the perfect event. Just complete the fields below, and someone will be in touch to put a smile on your face very soon!

Once your group or team finishes assembling hygiene kits, what happens to these awesome packages? It depends! We factor in the needs in your area, the ideal outcomes and goals of your group, and the type of hygiene kit that best fits your activity. We'll work with you to make sure your efforts make a big impact!
We often see the largest need for hygiene kits among organizations serving the homeless. As homeless people look to transition to a stable living situation, they often lack necessary hygiene supplies. Others, who are not currently seeking a home, are often in dire need of hygiene products in order to remain as healthy as possible. We'll partner with local organizations that are established in the community and we'll ensure that the hygiene kits your group assembles are quickly in the hands of those in need. We even invite any members of your team, if time on your agenda allows, to join us in the distribution efforts.