Money for hungry kids doesn't grow on trees. It grows on the sales floor.

The Team at No Child Hungry understands that retail businesses are often approached to support worthy causes and that money for that support doesn't grow on trees, it grows on the sales floor. That's why we've partnered with The Bryant Group to incorporate its tried and true customer service and selling skills programs to help increase your company's revenue so that you can help us feed more kids. Steve Bryant's Lessons My Customers Have Taught Me has been required reading for front line retail salespeople in thousands of companies for more than 25 years. This special 25th Anniversary Editions has been updated with today's technology-driven consumer behaviors and expectations by respected team development professional and former real world sales manager Mike Whitaker. Your company's donations -- from the modest to the generous -- are essential to the No Child Hungry mission and can help your company grow.

Why Not Sell More and Give More today?
Choose from a variety of options designed with retail teams and budgets of every size in mind.
Want something different? No problem! Our team will be happy to customize a package for you!

Book Based Learning
Sell More and Give More with 25th Anniversary copies of Steve Bryant's Lessons My Customers Have Taught Me, updated with today's shopper behaviors by Mike Whitaker. 100% of proceeds go directly to No Child Hungry, and each book purchased provides 50 meals for hungry kids!

Add Online Video Learning and PR
This package takes things up a notch! You'll get a generous supply of books for your team, plus, a 50 minute online webinar featuring your choice of a variety of sales enhancing topics, featuring renowned sales experts Mike Whitaker and Steve Bryant. You'll also receive a press release, a social media photo and video asset, and your donation will get meals into the hands of kids in need!

Let's Go IN-STORE and LIVE!
This is where it gets really fun! At this level, we're packing meals LIVE in your store with your team, your shoppers and your community! We've done more than 100 meal-packing events for independent retailers just like you, and it's a traffic driver, a community connecter, and a raving success each time. With this option, you'll not only have a live meal-packing event, you'll get a live training event as well! Sales expert Mike Whitaker will present a live sales driving session for your team that's sure to drive sales for months and years to come. Plus, we'll issue a press release, provide you with social media assets, No Child Hungry wearables, and much more!
If you've got questions, we're here to help! Give us a call at 770.695.6625 or email