So far, as the suffering in Ukraine has mounted over the past year, we've partnered with CityServe International and WorldVision to provide more than 2 million meals to the people of Ukraine. In many occupied territories, the meals we've supplied are the only food available to sustain lives. There is no end-date to this conflict, and as with nearly every armed conflict in history, the resulting food insecurity takes a toll that most never imagine. The Ukrainian people need our help, and together, we'll continue to make a difference!
Our Approach
The armed conflict in Ukraine makes the delivery and distribution of food for the Ukrainian people challenging, to say the least. But we're up to the challenge! So far, in partnership with CityServe International, No Child Hungry has packed and distributed more than 2,000,000 meals to the people of Ukraine. And when we say distributed, we mean hands-on, boots-on-the-ground distribution. No Child Hungry founder William Lowry has traveled to the war torn region twice so far, and several future distribution trips are being planned.
In order to continue serving the Ukrainian people, we need your help! Every donation made here goes directly to providing meals for Ukraine. We'll host more meal-packing events in 2023, much like we have so far. Thousands of volunteers have come together for events that have packed as many as 1,000,000 meals in a single day! Look for opportunities to volunteer again this summer!